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Hello, I'm Martyna. I'm a web developer with 3 years of experience. I enjoy creating user-friendly apps with exceptional UX. I specialize in Javascript technologies.

About me

Skilled Web Developer, specialized in both front-end and back-end development, with particular expertise in React, Next.js, MongoDB, and Node.js. Self-taught and adept in a broad spectrum of technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, Git, React, Next.js, Node.js, Bootstrap, Postgres, and Adobe Target.
Experienced in collaborating with diverse, cross-functional teams to deliver secure, scalable, and innovative web applications.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing the piano and training crossfit.

My projects


I created a full-stack Next 13 app for booking coworking spaces around the world. CRUD functionality, authorization and authentication, booking.

Admin Dashboard

I build this Admin Dashboard app. It features various charts, data tables page and calendar integration. Built with React, Data Grid, Material UI.

AI Image Generator

Fully responsive image creating app. App generate four image variations based on a text prompt. Built with OpenAI DALL-E API.

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at martyna.salome@gmail.com or through this form.